InfoFlow Episode 7.119 – 3/22/22

[Infoflow intro] + [pledge of allegiance] 
GEO: Welcome back to Infoflow, Blazers. Today is Tuesday, March 22nd. I’m Geo
ANNIE: And I’m Annie. Today’s Women’s history month fact is that the first person to make the daring attempt to go over Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel was a woman. On October 24, 1901, GEO Edson Taylor, a forty-three-year old school teacher from Michigan went over the falls. She survived, but with a small gash on her head. She later swore to never take the feat on again.
GEO: The House of Representatives has passed the CROWN Act which would ban discrimination based on how someone wears their hair. The CROWN act or the creating a respectful and Open World for Natural Hair  act passed in a vote of 235 to 189.  Some of the hairstyles specifically mentioned are locs, cornrows, twists, braids, and afros. The Act was passed last congress but stalled in the Senate which was controlled at the time by republicans.
ANNIE: Now, let’s go to Emmanuel for a look at this year’s baseball team. 
Walk-up Songs Pack
ANNIE: Thanks! Make sure to go support our Blazers throughout the season.
GEO: The Blair Society for Minorities in STEM or BSMS is a club that aims to uplift the voices of students from diverse backgrounds and inspire them in the field of STEM. They meet on Wednesdays during lunch in room 323 at 11:30. At this Wednesday’s meeting they’ll be learning about DNA with a candy-filled activity. Hope to see you there!
ANNIE: Now let’s hear from Ella about the latest cycle of Silverships.
ELLA: Hi, my name is Ella Schrebler. I’m a staff writer for Silver Chips, the newspaper here at Blair. This cycle I wrote a story about Arthur, the kid’s TV show. After 25 seasons on air, the final episode premiered on February 21. My story was basically a recap of the show and talked a lot about the inclusion and diversity that the show promoted. I talked with Blair students about how they personally felt included by the show, and about what they learned from it. Overall, I think it’s a super cute story that appreciates the different cultures here at Blair and the different cultures in the show. I had a lot of fun writing it, so I hope you guys all have a lot of fun reading it! Make sure to pick up a copy in your English class.
ANNIE: Thank you Ella! Make sure to grab a copy to read all the other stories this cycle. 
GEO: Tomorrow is a modified schedule because the 11th Graders are all taking the SAT. Students coming in late will not be able to test and if you’ve already taken the SAT and informed administration you will be excused from the test on Wednesday. For those who are taking the test- don’t forget your calculators! On SAT day remember to bring your own calculator. If you don’t have one, Reserve your calculator today by signing up with your math teacher! Pick up a Study Guide on the tables outside of counseling. If you have any questions on SAT please see Mrs. Carrillo in room 340. For the select 12th graders who are taking Accuplacers and have any questions about it, please see Mrs. Pettis-Jones in room 240. Good Luck – you’ve got this!
ANNIE: And now let’s hear from a couple blazers here to talk a bit about new theater opportunities
MAYBELLE: Hey blazers! We’re Playset Theatre, a completely student-run theatre company based at Blair. We produce shows and perform for kids in a public park in order to introduce them to theater! And now, you can get involved. Auditions for this year’s show, an adaptation of Snow White, will be April 1st, and we would love to see you all there! ELIA: We are also looking for a scriptwriter to write our show for next year. Information about location and more will be coming soon outside room 16, and you can find us at @playsettheatre, at, and on our website, We can’t wait to work with you all!
ANNIE: Thanks Elia and Maybell! If you want to get involved, reach out to their instagram or by email at the tags below! [@playsettheatre,, and on their website,]
GEO: Now let’s go to Mireya for this week’s weather!
Weather Intro
MIREYA: Good Morning blazers and happy spirit week! This week is going to be mild and sunny again. Today it will be sunny with a high of 68 and a low of 47. On Wednesday, it will be rainy with a high of 62 and a low of 54. On Thursday there is a chance of showers in the morning, with a high reaching 70 and a low of 48. On friday it will be sunny with a high of 61 and a low of 43. That’s it for the week, but tune in on Friday to hear your weather for the weekend and the upcoming spring fling dance!
ANNIE: And that’s all for today’s show. Check out our website at to submit any announcements, and follow us @bnc_blair on instagram, and @bncblair on tiktok and on twitter. Have a Tubular Tuesday, and we’ll see you tomorrow, Blazers! 
[Infoflow outro]

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