InfoFlow Episode 7.097 – 2/22/22

[Infoflow intro] + [pledge of allegiance] 
LEVI: Welcome back to Infoflow, Blazers. Today is Tuesday, February 22nd and as it is 2, 2, 2, 2, 2sday my co-host and I are twinning! I’m LEVI.
SAMMI: And I’m SAMMI. Today’s Black history month fact is about Mae Jemison, the first black woman to travel into space. She served as a mission specialist aboard the space shuttle endeavor in 1987. After her career at NASA she founded The Jemison Group, a consulting firm that considers the socioeconomic impact of technological advancement and the Dorothy Jemison foundation. One of the projects of the foundation is The Earth We Share, a science camp for kids aged 12-16.  
LEVI: A bill has been introduced by the Montgomery County Council that would require gender neutral designation on new single occupancy restrooms. The requirement applies to county government buildings and businesses while hospitals, hotels, and residences are exempt. The bill has broad support and the public hearing is scheduled for March 8th. 
SAMMI: The Montgomery County School Board added nearly $6 million to it’s proposed budget for school safety. Some of which are expected to be paid for by covid relief funds. Some of the funding includes hiring a communications firm, purchasing 100 security cameras, expanding student wellbeing teams, hiring 12 new security positions, and a summer security training stipend. The total proposed budget is 2.9 billion. 
LEVI: Now let’s watch a special segment featuring our “Proud Principle,” Mrs. Johnson!
Principal’s corner
LEVI: Hope you learned some new fun facts about our principle! Thanks, Mrs. Johnson for participating.
SAMMI: The Blair Society for Minorities in STEM or BSMS is a club that aims to uplift the voices of students from diverse backgrounds and inspire them in the field of STEM. They meet on Wednesdays during lunch in room 323 at 11:30. At tomorrow’s meeting they’ll be having a discussion on the future of AI. They hope to see you there!
LEVI: The submission window for Advanced-Level Music Ensemble Auditions has been extended through the end of this week!  Submit your audition video to be a part of Chamber Singers, Show Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble. Visit for more details.
SAMMI: Now, let’s go to Yasmeen for this week’s weather!
YASMEEN: Good Morning blazers! Spring is right around the corner, and we are finally getting some warmer weather. Today it’s going to be rainy, with a high of 59 and a low of 48. On Wednesday it will be cloudy, with a high reaching 64 degrees and a low of 39. On Thursday, it will be rainy again, with a high of 45 and a low of 36. Finally, on friday we will see a high of around 54 degrees, and a low dipping down to 32, with possible scattered showers throughout the day. That’s it for this week, but we’ll see you again on Friday for the weekend’s forecast. 
SAMMI: And that’s all for today’s show. Check out our website at to submit any announcements, and follow us @bnc_blair on instagram and @bncblair on tiktok and on twitter. Please keep wearing your mask and be mindful of covid safety measures. Have a totally tubular Tuesday, and make sure to tune in tomorrow for InfoFlow’s 100th episode of this school year, Blazers! 
[Infoflow outro]

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