InfoFlow 7.011 – 9/22/21

[Infoflow intro] + [pledge of allegiance] 
BELLA: Welcome back, Blazers, today is Wednesday, September 22nd. I’m Bella.
SIENA: And I’m SIENA. A two dose version of the Johson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine was shown to be 94% effective in a study. As of right now, the FDA has only given approval to a one dose version of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. In a trial of the 2 dose regimen, 2 doses given 56 days apart provided 100% protection against severe COVID-19, and 94% protection against moderate to severe covid in the U.S. Globally, the 2 doses provided 75% protection against moderate to severe covid. 
BELLA: The United States plans to ease foreign travel restrictions, starting in early November. Foreigners will be allowed to enter the country if they have proof of vaccination and a negative covid test. The new policy will replace a patchwork of travel bans and restrictions put in place by president Trump and strengthened by president Biden. The new policy will also not require vaccinated passengers to quarantine after landing.
SIENA: And now, let’s go to Gabe to see what Blazers do during lunch!
Lunch activities pack (gabe and michael)
SIENA: Thanks for the update Gabe!
BELLA: The last Confederate statue on Maryland Public Land is set to be taken down and relocated after a vote by the Talbot County Council. The 105-year-old “Talbot Boys” statue, which stands outside the historic courthouse in Easton, Maryland, has been a point of contention for the community. Last week, however, a vote to move the statue to Cross Keys Battlefield, a private park in Harrisonburg, Virginia, passed 3-2.
SIENA: And now, we have Nathan And Anastasia with some gaming updates and news!
Video game pack (anastasia and nathan)
SIENA: Thanks Nathan and Anastasia, if you have any suggestions for gaming news you’d like covered, reach out to either of them on Instagram [@tfanna18 or @Nathan_Storm_]
BELLA: Code Girls is an all female and nonbinary students club welcoming you join, regardless of previous experience. They meet during the second half of lunch on Thursdays in room 328. Join them for their first meeting tomorrow at 11:30! To join the mailing list goto the link below [] They hope to see you there!
SIENA: And that’s all for today’s show! Check out our website at to submit any announcements, and follow us @bnc_blair on instagram and on twitter @bncblair. Please keep wearing your mask and be mindful of covid safety measures. Have a wonderful Wednesday, and we’ll be back tomorrow, Blazers!

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