Infoflow Episode 2.107 – 2/28/17


Show Intro
IYANU: Hey there, Blazers. Today is Tuesday February 28th, 2017.
TRUNK: We’ve got the final February show for you today, but first, please stand for the pledge.
Pledge of Allegiance
TRUNK: Welcome back to Infoflow! I’m Trunk.
IYANU: And I’m Iyanu. Today, is the last day of February, and the final day of Black History Month. To round out the month, we’re gonna talk about the beginning. Before Black History Month, historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History established Negro History Week, starting in 1926, taking place on the second week of February. This was taken in open arms as enthusiasm for black culture increased. Black History month was only conceived in 1969 by Black United Students at Kent University. The month was officially recognized by the US Government in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, making it a regular celebration from year to year.
TRUNK: If you’re looking for a fun, casual spring sport, join frisbee club! Practices are Tuesday through Thursday after school on the practice field starting today. The team came in second place at the state tournament last year, and this time is looking to win it all! Contact Coach Kris at for more information.
IYANU: Kemp Mill Elementary is looking for students to volunteer as tutors and assist with math, reading, and writing during their homework club. 2 SSL hours will be provided each week as the program will run from 4-6pm. See Mrs. Hiscock in room 130 to express your interest and sign up!
TRUNK: Interested in trying out for the all varsity cheer team? Got spirit? Come to conditioning work out every Wednesday starting tomorrow Wednesday, March 1 in the dance room  from 3:30- 5:30pm. BE sure and wear comfortable clothes. Open to both boys and girls grades 9-11.
IYANU: For all Spanish speakers and writers, the new Spanish yearbook section is looking for new applicants for next year. If you are interested in joining yearbook and can speak and write Spanish go to room 241 during 5th period to go pick up an application and to get any questions youngest have answered.  
TRUNK: Seniors, going on an accepted students college visit or for a scholarship interview? Be sure and turn in your note to the attendance office before you go! Leaving early? Please be sure to turn in a note and pick up a pass to sign out at  the attendance office in the morning before you go to class. Remember, all absence notes are to be turned in to your first or second block teacher. You have 3 days to turn in your absence note to either teacher.
IYANU: Now for our weekly weather from Catherine.
TRUNK: And now we go to Eric Guerci with another SMOB Minute.
SMOB Minute
TRUNK: Thanks Eric.
IYANU: Now let’s take a look at some of Blair’s amazing singers.
IYANU: Be sure to check out everything BOMA does in the future.
TRUNK: And that’s all we have for today Blazers, be sure to check out our website to submit announcements and see all of our previous videos. Have a “Take the Cake” Tuesday, Blazers.

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