InfoFlow Episode 7.114 – 3/15/22

[Infoflow intro] + [pledge of allegiance] 
GABE: Welcome back to Infoflow, Blazers. Today is Tuesday, March 15th. I’m GABE
HABIB: And I’m HABIB. Today’s Women’s history month fact is about Dr. Sally Ride. The first woman in space, Ride was one of five crew members aboard the space shuttle Challenger STS-7 on June 18, 1983. Leading up to the mission, Sally Ride was asked in many interviews about how going into space might affect her reproductive abilities, and with much grace, Ride said, “It’s too bad this is such a big deal. It’s too bad our society isn’t further along.” Although Dr. Ride was rather quite about her personal life, she was the first openly gay Astronaught. Ride spent much of her career advocating for women and queer people to persue their passions in whatever field that might be in.
GABE: As the crisis in Ukraine continues, many families are losing loved ones in the turmoil. One specific casualty is the death of American filmmaker Brent Renaud over last weekend. Renaud had spent his career traveling to war stricken countries for documentaries, bringing the world’s hardships to our screens. The Arkansas, native was gathering material for a report about refugees when his vehicle was hit at a checkpoint in Irpin, just outside the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. Our hearts go out to families, of all nationalities, torn apart by the conflict in Ukraine.
HABIB: Due to the rapid rising gas prices in Maryland, on Friday, senators proposed a bill that would suspend taxes on gas for 30 days. Maryland’s gas tax is approximately 37 cents per gallon and this bill would help provide temporary relief to working families who rely on their cars to commute. Governor Larry Hogan has also followed up with a statement informing that he is working with lawmakers to suspend the gas tax.
GABE: Happy Music In Our Schools Month! Today’s fact is that Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville made the first known recording of an audible human voice, on April 9, 1860. He recorded himself singing the French folk song “Au Claire de la Lune” on his invention called the phonautograph. If you invented the first recording device, what song would you record yourself singing? Head to Twitter @mbhsmusic to share your thoughts with the music department.
HABIB: Want to see riveting martial arts and beautiful singing? Majestic cultural dancing, out-of-this-world rock performances, and jokes about your favorite teachers throughout the night? Come see STEM Arts Night (STAN) this Friday, March 18th from 7-9 PM in the auditorium! You don’t want to miss this free, fun-filled event!
GABE: This week is Blair Stem Week and today’s theme is Engineering! Tomorrow’s theme is Technology, dress up as twins with someone and the second half of hidden figures will be shown. Thursday’s theme is environmental science wear green and there will be activities on the SAC stage. The last day Friday is a stem fair on Blair Boulevard and STAN Arts night in the auditorium wear red. 
HABIB: Now, let’s hear from Gwen on this week’s weather.
Weather intro
GWEN: Good Morning blazers! This week it’s finally starting to feel like spring. Today, it will be sunny with a high of 66 and a low of 42. On Wednesday, it will be warm and sunny again, with a high of 68 and a low nearing 48. On Thursday there will be scattered showers, with a high of 62 and a low of 48. On Friday it will warm up to 71 degrees, with a low of 54, and it will be sunny all day. That’s it for your weekly forecast, but tune in on friday to hear about the upcoming weekend. 
GABE: And that’s all for today’s show. Check out our website at to submit any announcements, and follow us @bnc_blair on instagram, and @bncblair on tiktok and on twitter. Have a tantalizing Tuesday, and we’ll see you tomorrow, Blazers! 
[Infoflow outro]

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