Infoflow Episode 2.21 – 10/6/16


Show Intro
TRUNK: What’s up, Blazers? Today is Thursday, October 6th, 2016.
JESSICA: Prepare yourself for another great show, but first, please stand for the pledge.
Pledge of Allegiance
TRUNK:  Welcome to Infoflow. I’m Trunk,
JESSICA: And I’m Jessica. Today’s weather will be sunny with a high of 71 and a low of 51.
TRUNK: In the news, Harvard University is currently having its first strike in thirty years. The University could not reach a contract agreement with food service employees, and yesterday at 5 am hundreds of employees began to strike. Unite Here, the food worker’s union, is asking for $35,000 a year for food service employees, as well as employment for the entire year, instead of just the academic term.
JESSICA: Do you want to learn strategies to defeat your enemies? Tired of being a pawn in someone else’s game? Attend Blair’s Chess club to improve your game. It’s held every Thursday after 9th period in room 346. Beginners are welcome.
TRUNK: The Academies Fall Capstone Showcase will take place Monday, October 10, in the Media Center during both lunches. Make sure to check out all the awesome projects your peers have worked on!
JESSICA: Are you interested in computer programming, but unsure of where to start, or don’t have time? Join Programming Teaching Club! You’ll get introduced to programming and learn that programming easy and fun. There are meetings every Tuesday, after school in room 221. The next meeting is October 11th. Email them at for more info. See you there!
TRUNK: Hey Blazers, October is breast cancer awareness month. Please help the cheerleaders and poms support breast cancer research and wear pink on Friday, October 14. We are hoping for an all school pink out! Stop by the attendance office and purchase pink wristbands for only $1.00 or pink lanyards for $2.00.
JESSICA: The Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team will also be holding its annual Dig Pink match on Thursday October 6th, when they host Churchill. They will be holding a bake sale before the match to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. Please consider purchasing a snack or donating on your way to the match or on your way home.
TRUNK: Seniors, listen up!  If you have not taken your senior portrait, the make-up days will be on October 11th, 13th, 14th, and 27th. The time and date of your make-up is on the posters under the stairs on Blair Boulevard. If you are graduating, but not listed as a senior, or need to be scheduled for any other reason, please fill out the form next to the posters and leave it in the adjacent manila envelope. They’ll update the posters as necessary. If you have any questions, see Dr. Simel.
JESSICA:  And now we’ve got a special message for you about SilverStream.
(lit silverstream pack)
JESSICA: Remember to send in all your submissions with the hashtag blairsilverstream!
TRUNK: And that’s all we have for today! If you’d like some more info, check out our website,, where you can also submit announcements! And Blazers, have a thunderous thursday.


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